Meine kleine Welt ....

Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2012

A tiny Song ....

Whenever I hear this song, I must think of her ......
Everything what I need is her....

Everything what I hear is your voice....

Everything what I want is close to her....

everything in me shouted after her, my drug, my narcotic

Mittwoch, 15. Februar 2012


Everytime I think of her ....
Everytime I speak with her ....
Everytime I see her....

And always a feeling of the pure luck comes down....
The harmony clouds only one...
- I miss her

Dienstag, 14. Februar 2012

Der Blick in die Ferne.....

stetiger Blick in Richtung Ferne.........
(gezeichnet von mir)

Der Blick in die Zukunft.... was mag geschehen und vorallem .... wie wird es mir ergehen .... Erfüllen sich alle meine Wünsche oder werden sie auf der Hälfte des Weges wieder zusammenfallen?
Waren alle Erfolge vergebens... Um ehrlich zu sein Ich weis es nicht .... .

Mein Blick richtet sich stets in Richtung Ferne, Freiheit.....

The Beginning.....

Sometimes I think simular ....
A story..... a story with a unspecific main charakter.... A story without any disaster ......
A story with a perfect happy ending.... A story consisting of dreams, love and hope.....
All these  wishes .... I think that everybody all these things in his life wants to have....

But if nothing of these wishes arrives what happens then?

-I don't know .....